Station list


LOCATION.--Lat 42°30'34", long 89°47'58", in SE ¼ sec.32, T.1 N., R.6 E., Green County, Hydrologic Unit 07090003, on right bank about 400 ft downstream from highway bridge in Martintown, 0.3 mi upstream from Wisconsin-Illinois State line and 8.8 mi downstream from Skinner Creek.

DRAINAGE AREA.--1,034 mi2.

PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1939 to current year.

REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 1308: 1949-50(M). WDR WI-71-1: Drainage area.

GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 757.83 ft above sea level. Prior to Jan. 6, 1940, nonrecording gage at same site and datum. Auxiliary wire-weight gage 1.2 mi downstream, at same datum.

REMARKS.--Estimated daily discharges: Ice-affected periods, Dec. 27 to Jan. 5, Jan. 10 to Feb. 11, and Mar. 12-17. Records good except those for periods of discharge above 2,000 ft3/s, which are fair, and ice-affected periods, which are poor. Diurnal fluctuation at low flow caused by powerplant in Argyle, 28.2 mi upstream. Gage-height telemeter at station.


Surface-Water Data

Ground-Water Data

Precipitation Data

Biological Data